Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Exploring Deco designs

Most of the stained glass paintings I've done have been prodominantly influenced by Middle Eastern designs from textiles. However, I take a lot of inspirations in my other paintings from the Art Deco movement, and decided to apply it to the new medium. I'm pretty content with the results, and after this last painting feel I have enough to shop the new collection to some local folks. I'm still going to finish the cathedral window style one, although it's back burnered for now until I can get more ideas.
The nice thing about this medium is how versatile it is. This can be applied to furnishings, such as bookshelves, tables, and plant stands. I'm also going to go ahead and get a set of cards printed with them for more circulation. So, now that I've finished, stay tuned for results! Next project? Who knows...but I have a brand spankin' new set of acrylics screaming to be played with, and some left over wood from these projects.

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Blogger Mother Hoodlum said...

Commenting on my own blog!
Just noting here that out of the one's I've done in this medium, my dad decided this is his favourite.
Now, if only I could figure out a way to frame out these bad boys...

11:07 PM  

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